Global Compact Value Proposition Webinar for Sri Lanka and India

A Value Proposition Webinar was conducted by the Global Compact Office in New York, facilitated by Ms. Amira Alfa, Participant Engagement Officer.


Amira provided an introduction to the Global Compact and progress made over the years, aimed at educating new members. She further discussed mainstreaming best practice across all business, the progress made on the Ten Principles, SDG Priorities in the Asia Pacific region, and the support available from the UN Global Compact. She further explained the Engagement Tiers and discussed upcoming events.


The Local Networks of India and Sri Lanka attended, along with interested members from each network.

Representatives from both networks, presented on Local Network activities held during the year and the plans for 2019.


We also had the opportunity to allow a Participant of the Sri Lankan network, Hayleys PLC, to present at the webinar. Mr. Pradeep Carvalho, General Manager for Group Corporate Communications, and Mr. Gayan Samarakoon, Assistant Manager – Group Sustainability, presented at the webinar, sharing examples of their existing practices and projects that are aligned with the Global Compact Ten Principles.