Gender & Diversity Working Group

The Gender & Diversity Working Group is geared towards increasing the participation of women in the labour force. With SDG 5 as the overarching focus, members are working towards Target 5.5 which is to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. To do so, members are equipped with the knowledge and the tools from the capacity building programmes offered by the Target Gender Equality initiative. By attending such programmes, members possess the skillset to further improve the professional lives of other female employees while also having the ability to provide conducive work environments to allow more women into the company. Furthermore, the members also attend webinars where they are exposed to global examples of how companies retain and increase their female workforce and exchange lessons learned and best practices with other members and partners.

Ms. Dinali Peiris, the Group Human Resource Director at MAS Holdings, is the Board Member in-charge of this initiative.